Welcome to Ez3d 2.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95. Please take a few moments to read this file: RUNNING EZ3D ============ On Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0 ---------------------------- Run "Ez3d" from the "Ez3d 2.0" folder in the "Start" menu. On Windows NT 3.5.1 ------------------- Double-click on "Ez3d" in the "Ez3d 2.0" program manager window. UNINSTALLING EZ3D ================= IMPORTANT: If you're upgrading to a new product in the Ez3d 2.0 series, or if you're re-installing a new version of the same product, we *strongly* recommend that you uninstall the old version first before installing the new one. Please follow the instructions below for uninstalling the old version of Ez3d. On Windows 95 ------------- Bring up the system Control Panels, select "Add/Remove Programs", click on "Ez3d 2.0" followed by "Add/Remove". If the installation directory still exists, remove it manually. On Windows NT 3.5.1 ------------------- Click on the "UninstallLicense" icon followed by "UninstallEz3d" in the Ez3d 2.0 program manager window. If the installation directory still exists, remove it manually. On Windows NT 4.0 ----------------- Click on the "UninstallLicense" in the "Start" menu, then bring up the system Control Panels, select "Add/Remove Programs", click on "Ez3d 2.0" followed by "Add/Remove". If the installation directory still exists, remove it manually. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION =================== Ez3d 2.0 series from Radiance Software consists of the following products... o Ez3d VRML Author o Ez3d VR Builder o Ez3d Modeler Pro o Ez3d Lite * Quick and easy model-building to work with animation programs such as Alias, Wavefront and SoftImage * Virtual world building for the Internet (VRML) and other VR applications. * Photorealistic 3D image generation for publishing and visualization. * Ideal modeling environment for Open Inventor and Performer programmers. * High end features such as splines, deformations, flying logos, texture mapping, bump mapping and ray-tracing... * Real time modeling features such as Level of detail control and automatic polygon reduction! * An intuitive interface for all VRML extensions including Inlines, Anchors, and camera vantage points... * Scene composition features such as precise positioning and alignment of objects, hierarchical object list editor and much much more! * Based on OpenInventor 3-D framework with a complete Motif interface, Ez3d provides native VRML authoring capabilities without the need for an external translator! Ez3d (Version 2.0) Feature List Ez3d features powerful modeling tools, real-time features, easy scene composition, textures/material mapping, and photoreal rendering, all in one integrated, easy-to-use interface - everything you need to build a virtual world. Simple yet powerful modeling tools that are a pleasure to use! * Support for VRML primitives such as cubes and cylinders, for optimized and compact scene generation. * Ez3d's unique NURBS-based modeling tool, Potter, with intuitive sweep/extrude/bend capabilities has now been extended to allow an unlimited number of holes and caps on objects! * SplineSurfer tool allows tweaking and bending of spline surface control points - you can make dinosaurs with this! * New Slice tool can be used to interactively slice and extrude objects. * Face Builder tool allows low-level creation and editing of polygons with any number of vertices. You can create stage props and skylines in seconds! * Unique Mold tool lets you push and pull the surface of an object. Imagine the object as a "lump of clay" that you can mold any way you want! * New and improved 3-D text tool lets you create bevelled text in a wide variety of PostScript fonts. You can even "Slice" or "Face Build" the polygons of the 3-D text! * Line Editor allows creation of patterned lines of any thickness - useful for high-performance VRML scenes. * 2-D Text Editor allows annotation of 3D models or scenes. * Background Image feature makes modeling of 3-D objects in Ez3d even simpler! * Object Statistics feature dynamically updated information (number of objects, polygon count, and so on). Real time modeling features for virtual reality applications! * Level of Detail tool allows you to take an object and create any number of levels of detail and test real-time display. LOD tool works concurrently with modeling tools for quick turnaround. * Automatic Polygon Reduction - for Potter/Spline objects as well as unstructured polygonal shapes. * Create optimized geometry and scene files - a must for real-time display. * WWW Anchor tool allows creation of WWW links from 3-D objects to other resources on the Internet such as hypertext, images, sound video or 3D. * WWW Inline tool allows 3-D objects from any remote location on the Internet to be referenced and placed in the Ez3d scene. * Ez3d allows an unlimited number of Camera Vantage Points to be created. * Instant preview of VRML scenes and links using a Web browser, at the touch of a single button! Scene composition has never been easier! * Import objects in a wide variety of 3-D formats, and use modeling/mapping/composition tools on them: o OpenInventor o VRML o Autodesk DXF o Autodesk 3DStudio o Wavefront * Export objects in the following formats: o OpenInventor o VRML o Autodesk DXF o Wavefront o Autodesk 3DStudio * New "Universal 3D Manipulator" makes interacting with 3-D objects even easier! * Automatic Assembly and Alignment of objects using snap-dragging. * Unique Transform tool allows precise specification of all numerical values. * Unique graphical "Hierarchial Object List" editor facilitates easy management of complex scenes. * Hide/Show selected objects or parts of objects to reduce clutter * Project file management made easy. Perform operations such as compression, Inventor scene graph viewing, text editing, etc on output files, without ever leaving Ez3d. Attribute - apply materials and textures! * Control Display Style of objects - smooth-shaded, flat-shaded, wireframe, points, and so on. * Ez3d's Material Editor allows your objects to be shiny or transparent, specular, reflective or photo-real! * Interactively apply materials and colors to selected vertices or faces of polygonal objects. * Texture editor lets you wrap your objects with color/bitmap images in SGI, GIF, JPEG and a variety of other formats. You can interactively scale, translate, rotate or mirror texture maps directly on objects! * A range of Editable Texture Mapping Function Types - planar, cylindrical, parametric (skin-wrap), environment, and so on. * Light editor lets you edit and create any number of directional, spot, point, ambient and headlights, and shine them on selected objects. * Environment editor can be used to create stunning effects of fog and mist! Photorealism - at the touch of a button! * Powerful Rayshade ray-tracing module lets you add photo-realism to your scene. Create real shadows, layers of textures, bump and reflectivity maps. * Remote and Background Rendering allows you to run the raytracing on any machine on the network, and monitor progress. * Write out models in the popular Renderman format, for rendering. * Rendered images can be used as WWW images or texture maps for flat props in VRML scenes. Ez3d - the name says it all! * "...You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a millionaire to use (it)" - Brent Malnack of AV Video. * 100% graphical interface based on standard Motif and SGI Inventor 3D interface * Undo/Redo for most operations * Cue Cards - context-sensitive on-line help. * Well-integrated into the Indigo Magic Desktop Environment. * Works well with other popular SGI tools such as WebFORCE Web authoring system, Showcase, and MediaMail. * Ideal modeling environment for OpenInventor and Performer programmers. * Customer Support - Extensive telephone and e-mail support. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For a list of authorized resellers around the world, please contact: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiance Software International E-MAIL: Ez3d@radiance.com WWW: http://www.radiance.com